How To Get Your Team Ready for AI Integration | by Oscar Ibars

How To Get Your Team Ready for AI Integration | by Oscar Ibars
Chatbots Magazine
Robot ordering a human out

AI integration programs such as chatbots can sometimes make our employees a little nervous. While any type of change can be scary, especially when it comes to one’s livelihood, the most prevalent concern about AI initiatives is job security.

Is a robot going to take my job?

The simple answer to this is no. AI solutions like chatbots have incredible potential to alleviate simple or routine tasks from employee’s shoulders, but they will not replace skilled human efforts. In fact, we’ve found that bots open new doors to even greater possibilities.

The first step to getting your employees ready for AI integration is to educate them about what this step means for their jobs and the organization. There’s certainly a lot to learn in this department, but we should do our best to break it down into manageable, understandable pieces.

Show your employees how chatbots will help them to do their jobs. Give them examples of the tasks that bots will start to cover, and then introduce them to the new, more interesting work ahead. They will soon be able to solely focus their attention on complex, meaningful work.

Simply put, educate them about how bots take care of the most unpleasant parts of their jobs and promise to…